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tv   Headline News  RT  October 30, 2013 12:00pm-12:30pm EDT

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calls for n.s.a. reform grow louder among washington's political elite but intelligence chiefs remain defiant warning of drastic consequences if the spying program is. with e.u. officials in washington to demand an explanation over the n.s.a. sweeping spy program a spanish paper reports that local intelligence services actually helped the surveillance. independence or security in london threatened to deny access to its intelligence services if scotland votes yes to separation from the united kingdom. and canadians get the first of a bitcoin a.t.m. codes for cash global uses of turning to the unstable side the current.
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line from our studio center here in moscow this is r t with you twenty four hours a day in the us political opinion towards the spying practices that cause a storm of global criticism looks to be shifting both republicans and democrats have called for reform of the n.s.a. with lawmakers proposing a ban on the agency collecting data in bulk the intelligence community is however strongly opposed it is much more important for this country that we defend this nation and take the beatings. then it is to give up a program that would result in this nation being attacked testifying before the house intelligence committee n.s.a. director general keith alexander forcefully warned against limiting the surveillance program this fear was echoed by the u.s.
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intelligence chief said reforms would lead to greater risks and this is all happening against the backdrop of a growing diplomatic row with america's e.u. allies demanding answers over allegations that citizens and leaders were spied on european correspondent test that syria brings the details. there is a delegation of the e.u. officials and separately a delegation of german officials who are in washington to speak with the members of the u.s. administration as well as intelligence chiefs to discuss this latest revelation in this case of national security agency's a spying operations on up to thirty five world leaders including german chancellor angela merkel as well as allegedly tens of millions of the french and spanish citizens as well now the outrage in europe has been palpable we have on the liverpool have said that the confidence of our country towards the u.s. has been quote unquote and we also remember the recent to e.u. official statement talking highlighting the distrust that this these allegations
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have actually created all of this anger spilling over not just in terms of diplomacy but also in the transatlantic deal so many is calling for the stalling of that so we see a direct impact of consequences of these allegations but the frustration right now is not just going one way because there are also frustrated reactions coming from the u.s. the n.s.a. chief having said that the nato allies that willingly shared that information with the u.s. and then he said that these allegations of widespread spying were in fact completely falls and misunderstood by the courts as well as reporters that regardless of their still a very strong impetus from the e.u. to push the u.s. to adopt a new overseas a surveillance guidelines from the e.u. already back stricter new guidelines on a day to share it with the parties especially the united states and europeans of the past two weeks they really adamant that they need a rethink of the intelligence process this is what they're hoping to get out of this and need to give the u.s. of this visit to washington seems to be
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a step towards that direction. and it's a claims that intelligence agencies willingly should data about by the latest leaks published in. the paper that revealed sixty million calls were trying to say we. the month now says this was done in collaboration with spanish intelligence services well this document shows the u.s. distinguishes four different levels of corporation with foreign agencies the first group is made up of those who share the most intelligence with washington including the u.k. canada australia and new zealand together they're known as the five eyes the second group includes more than a dozen european countries spain being among them plus japan south korea and turkey the third shares only limited data and includes france israel india and pakistan and the fourth group is made up of countries washington sees as hostile to its interests well joining me now is the journalist behind that el mundo report amount
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under he's joining us live from rio de janeiro so what do these latest revelations you have published along with the guardian's glenn greenwald tell us about this cooperation between european agencies and the n.s.a. . well we can see in the in the documents neither would or there. that. the european services they share some information with the united states services i mean with with the a why doesn't mean the us. and a say yes to the the that the collection of matter that i was gave in from was given story from. spain and france to staines that's not true in the united states is the n s a who recollect this
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information from the say. and says well and we have documents where they explain what the documents say what the documents say is that the space and all the countries european mostly countries they helped in a say to get the access to the to this information how they share some kind of information maybe even the the the evolution and the. makeup of really these this is what the documents say they don't say exactly how much information or exactly the all the information they share but they share but they say that there is real and intense cooperation between both countries we talk between short circuit basically the u.s. the u.s. intelligence chiefs yesterday telling the truth that indeed european agencies were
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cooperating with the n.s.a. . yes. the europe yeah in the industry but they say also that the that our documents were false and this is not true or up what should we make. some kind of what should we make of the reaction from those european countries who were up in arms about being spied on by the n.s.a. now your latest revelations how do you think those european countries are going to react. i don't know how they are going to they're going to react with a maybe. you governments. when they deny it so it will they deny it when they say it's not true i think maybe the yeah i think maybe the they say. they did or this is not true or the or they can say
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that they don't exactly know that is true i mean with the didn't know about this cooperation because as intelligence first or come out let me quickly ask you tell your service. command i just i really want to ask you this question clearly you are working with glenn greenwald you are releasing more information i know you can't give me the details but can we expect further sensational revelations from you and grant glenn greenwald. no i don't know for me because i would suspect interesting if. i was paying but i'm not sure. i would have to research about it. lending was going to world with the contras with all their newspaper. people is going to see. more phenomenon the way the spanish you know the contras.
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ok thanks very much indeed interesting to talk to come out of the journalist with el mundo who published the materials exposing massive u.s. spying on spanish citizens and now with this latest twist thank you very much indeed for joining us live here in r.t. well the white house has already made steps to can tell the n.s.a. in particular ordering eavesdropping on the u.n. headquarters in new york to be reduced but to what extent does the u.s. president actually control the agencies activities and how aware was he of spying on europe's leaders and citizens well these are some of the questions raised in people of l's latest edition of crosstalk i mean up a little later today here's a taste of what jay carney the president spokesman said is you know the president knew nothing about it however the n.s.a. is doing a great job what they're doing anyway so it really does raise some very troubling issues does the president have control over the n.s.a. does seem though i mean even more seriously was this an operation approved under president george w. bush that's gone on and they've not bothered to inform the president the united
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states is being run by remote control by a group of corrupt companies and these companies want the n.s.a. to find out secrets trade secrets from all the companies in the world this is this is what they're doing this is unacceptable the american people deserve a better government than this. crosstalk coming on a little later today here on r t one it's not just america's spying that's been the focus of media attention lately to turn to newspapers published claims over russia's activities as host of the recent g. twenty summit. has taken a look during the g. twenty summit which took place in st petersburg this year guests including political leaders world leaders have received gifts backs. flash cards as well as phone chargers which according to the newspapers are essentially spyware now these
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allegations have already been denied by the presidential spokesman a russian presidential spokesman who said that as a matter of fact it looks like. just an attempt to sway the attention away from real problems towards imaginary ones and because the newspapers didn't particularly any of their sources specifically is that a fact italian government itself is already starting to look into these allegations in order to find out where exactly. the city of the. region has been targeted by a twin bomb attack at least one person was killed and up to fourteen injured including three policemen the blast took place near the entrance to shops with one building bursting into flames security forces are searching for of a possible explosive devices close to the scene. drones fighter jets military helicopters iraq's prime minister is traveling to washington with a hefty shopping list of equipment he wants to help fight the sectarian violence and go from his country with some u.s.
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senators are warning that it's the iraqi leader himself pushing the country into civil war just today twelve were killed in twin suicide attacks targeting soldiers and have been since and some experts doubt whether offensive weapons will do anything to prevent the violence. terrorists taking place in iraq you don't need planes to deal with. vehicles that explode in. coffee shops all the weapons that maliki is getting for in fact this is. seeking the help of the usa to run. he is showing he's going to show the us unless he is reelected then this is the threat that everybody uses is going to take this is what's being used by everybody in that respect i think at the end of the day the americans have a lot to ask the maliki to deal with any government would have the duty of
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protecting people in this government is protecting zero people. who are coming to live from moscow plenty more to come later this hour including ready in time the new president of the olympic committee tells our team he is confident such a games will be success during one of his interviews and says the games will be free of discrimination we report on that later in the program. but first the british government is pushing hard to persuade scots that independence is not the way to go home secretary is now warning that by going it alone scotland may lose access to intelligence services leaving it at greater risk . has been studying these claims. she says that any scottish independence words undermine the fight against organized crime cyber attacks terrorism and things like that because scotland would have to build up its own security infrastructure as it would no longer necessarily have access to intelligence that
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comes from the u.k. or indeed from other countries that currently. information the scottish national party has said that it's ok declaring independence for scotland would reduce the risk of terrorist attacks because it says that part of its independence party would get rid of the nuclear arsenal on its submarines and it would also not take part in any more what it calls illegal wars it's really the latest in a series of kind of threats and speculations both sides of this the scottish national party in scotland in the parliament here in westminster have been tapping into these kind of emotive issues the s.n.p. uses these age old rivalries between between scotland between england and scotland and also taps into this nationalist sentiment meanwhile the westminster parliament which obviously wants the u.k. to stay together fought stuff like this in the past it said or if scotland declares
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independence you won't necessarily be able to use the pound anymore you might have to apply to join the euro you probably wouldn't be automatically in the european union in nato so this is just another one of those things if you do if scotland declares independence it will be worse off as a westminster parliament scotland has already called this irresponsible it says it's politicizing security and antiterrorism and a scottish national party member has called this project fear law to talk to mcneil he's from the scottish national party the one that stands for independence from the u.k. and he brushed away the claims from london saying it's just a scaremongering campaign. mrs mason but as yourself is a very bad helloween character of course we are how bored in my side of the argument by the need to make sense and to use logic but mrs me is not constrained by any of these. parameters the toilet is basically project fear stuff again from
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mrs means isn't buying see yourself badly in the way philip hammond the defense of defense minister did a few weeks ago when he was in scotland i mean nobody believes this stuff is another of a long series of nonsense basically from the u.k. government or u.k. government that has no positive out of it nothing sensible to see it all and coming up with frankly laughable skews to even the right wing commentators and people who are not could be voting for independence and mocking misses me in scotland to do different for the nonce which is come up with. something positive to say but on the serious note you know when scotland's independent we will cooperate with london and we will look to maximize bennett the u.k. government who will do the same it will wake up to this reality sooner rather than later and act in a grown up fashion the way for disciplinary committee has ordered moscow cisco our football team to close a part of its stadium after claims a black player was racially abused incident came during a champions league game against manchester city last week in fielder you said he heard some fans using offensive chants and reported it to the referee the next game
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against by a munich will be affected but the decision surprised some fans in moscow as the co-founder of russia's football fan community told us. it's an odd situation nobody saw it and no one heard it or see a scarlett's fan club denied the allegations everything's based on what a single player had to say if he can explain maybe they should sanction him. r.t. live here in moscow more news for you after this short break stay with us if you can.
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we speak your language. programs and documentaries in spanish what matters to you breaking news a little turn it into angles stories. here. the spanish find out more visit actuality. news continues here on r.t. bitcoins first have an a.t.m. has gone live plants in vancouver canal swap that digital currency for real cash so
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what is big coin and how can you turn a computer code into physical money well basically it's a currency used for online transactions to use it can't set up what book web what it should say hiding their names behind a digital code that payment can still be traced the transfer is done in just a few clicks of a mouse banks middlemen and tax agencies are left out reducing fees next you choose whether to shop online using bitcoins or sell them for any official currency such as the euro. all but brought up but the concept remains extremely vulnerable to volatile exchange rates because they're connected through a process called mining and it's got nothing to do with manual labor but a chain of computers cracking codes and getting coins in exchange for geoffrey albert tucker from the foundation for economic education explains why he finds the technology impressive as your goal at this time i thought it was a bit of this is just another technology you know that come along every few days
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and it's lame hour so i'm a fairly recent convert the more i look into it the more carpet and i would get in the future monetary system is cryptic cryptography and this kind of crypto market based currency it's quite spectacular and i tell you it only takes a few times you simply quickly realize this is incredibly easy it's much much easier and there's no danger of fraud or identity theft or all these other things that come with. criticism it's just pure technology well the u.s. has its reasons to hinder the big expansion it's been labeled a currency for online activities like gambling and even gun running and exchange rate has fallen to the low point came in generally this year when the valley was just thirteen dollars two hundred sixty six dollars has been the highest point and it took just a few months to get there before falling just a little while despite the ups and downs jeffrey talk of believes it's here to stay . really it's funny that it to be an alternative currency and there's no reason why
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it can't itself become a means of calculation so you can do your account you know people do this all the time and you can enter into the. little one to life meaning that you can bypass government currency entirely which the us is now restricting what's called money exchange businesses so there's so much high costs associated with it doesn't surprise me that the start of canada or the us the us will lose out and it's this trend where it's very very. well because maybe only four years old but it's already had more than its fair share of control over see the currency appeared in two thousand and nine created by students researches and hobbyists a year on there's a famous sale when short of the world's most expensive piece it was bought for ten thousand big coins and some now worth would you believe about two million dollars well by two thousand and eleven its value had gone up a thousand fold the single piece was selling for more than the british pound the
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euro and the american dollar well at this point more than a thousand online merchants and organizations such as we could pedia were accepting bitcoins as payment and donations earlier this year its market topped the billion dollar mark and is believed to has grown by another five hundred million since then the net wide adoption of the big quantum is picked up by financial authorities eager to tax and regulate this new phenomenon money laundering concerns and shady online activities last month so online black market silk road raided and shut down by the f.b.i. when up to thirty million dollars worth of bitcoins was seized during that operation but mitchell demeter he's the chief bitcoin officer it bit cognac says the currency is only getting stronger as a result. we've got any money laundering policy in place where we limit users to three thousand dollars per day every transaction you make is recorded on a public ledger your name is in it but if somebody wants to find out who is making that transaction it can be done the silk road is
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a perfect example of the shutting down the silk road and the black market. and actually shut down which is actually a very good thing for the currency as a whole as a lot of people associated it associated because one just directly with the silk road and so since it's been shut down the currency did about ten percent for both twelve hours and since then people realize that it's not just about the black market and it's actually a legitimate currency and it's actually got over one hundred percent since then and we got most always waiting on line for you right now including who is the most influential of them all russia's president putin tops forbes' annual list of the most powerful people in the world pushing barack obama down to second put him on top of the r.t. dot com. the u.k. hopes to track billions an arab investment by becoming the first european state to issue islamic bones and to come from. and also the after families and friends
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reunited after israel releases twenty six palestinian prisoners we called the touching pictures in our vision section that. time now for some other world news this hour police have clashed with supporters of the ousted president morsi at the campus of the university in current scuffles following yesterday's rally with protesters insisting the deposed president is still the legitimate leader this comes as the deputy leader of the pro morsi muslim brotherhood freedom and justice party was arrested he's not need to stand trial alongside morsi and some of his other key supporters next monday. protestors of erupted in should say protests have erupted in anchor against turkey's conservative guy. until the country's republic day police used tear gas to stop people marching towards texan square as part of celebrations they marks the ninetieth anniversary of the turkish republic which was founded by. rights following yesterday's clashes with police over the government's refusal to detain a policeman accused of killing
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a protester. the start of the twenty fourteen sochi winter olympics is now just one hundred days away the head of the international olympic committee paid a visit to the host city to see for himself preparations are going. as more from. the new president of the international olympic committee thomas back has been in all week so mark one hundred days until the start of the games and he's just given one of his first interview since being appointed in the new role he gave it to r.t. now we sat down and discussed a whole host of issues surrounding the. so-called gay propaganda law here in russia the planning of nontraditional sexual relations to minors now on monday president putin said that everyone is welcome in sochi regardless of sexual orientation and this is the message for spectators and they're concerned about the law. the. olympic
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games in sochi will be free of any kind of. discrimination. the olympic charter will apply so the president. excellent olympic games altogether but also in our charge back told me that the i.o.c. have complete confidence that all of venues will be completed come the opening ceremony on february the seventh but he did reiterate his earlier point before the organizers the final one hundred days in the lead up to the games are set to be the busiest. report and then i'll be back with more news with the team in thirty minutes from now in the meantime it is abby martin in breaking the set in just a matter of moments from that.
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approximately sixteen percent imports came from illegal fishing. in the european union is ironically taking fish from some of the poorest nations on earth so this is a very serious and very urgent problem that needs immediate international action. on foot to enter our territorial waters they fish they load the fish on to the ships and leave for europe. to day illegal fishing just taking the bread out of our mouths.
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hey guys i'm abby martin and this is breaking the set on this day last year new york new jersey we're getting rocked by superstorm hurricane sandy overall the storm cost the city's sixty five billion dollars and took months of cleanup efforts no doubt it was a devastating storm but as we look back one year later what have we learned when the next time a storm this size hits we do know that the subway system will probably be shut down again due to massive flooding keep in mind there are still hundreds of people living out of hotels because they don't have a home to return to i'm sure congress eventually agreed to send fifty one billion dollars in relief to the victims of sandy but we don't know where that money went according the national center for disaster preparedness only twenty three percent has been the first of the agencies directly involved in the relief efforts and only fifteen percent of that has actually reached the hands of the victims but a lack of financial aid isn't the only glaring problem here those who were.


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